Bullied [Hardcover]

Brand: Feldheim Publishers
By: Y. Kormornick
Product ID: 9781988022123 FREE GIFTS with your order - New gifts added monthly
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When Mashi Kalinsky' s mother passes away and her father uproots her family from the only home she's ever known, Mashi thinks she's lost everything. But she is wrong. There is so much more for her to lose.

Rikki, the most popular girl in the class, is determined to make Mashi' s life a misery, and she expects everyone else to follow her lead.

But Fear is on a mission; bumping lives with the passionate older-single teacher, the angry-at-the-world sister, the father consumed by grief, and the desperate to be popular classmates, in order to get them to climb over the wall of fear he so expertly erects. Because everyone is afraid of something, the only question is: What will they do with their fears?


Binding: Hardcover
Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 302
Publisher: Feldheim
ISBN: 978-1-988022-12-3

Bullied [Hardcover]
By: Y. Kormornick

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