Ceremony & Celebration [Hardcover]

Brand: Koren Publishers
By: Jonathan Sacks
Product ID: 9781592640256 FREE GIFTS with your order - New gifts added monthly
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Ceremony & Celebration - Introduction to the Holidays
By Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Product Description
Now available, Ceremony & Celebration reveals the stunning interplay of biblical laws, rabbinic edicts, liturgical themes, communal rituals and profound religious meaning of each of the five central Jewish holidays. Bringing together his powerful introductions to the Koren Sacks Mahzorim, Ceremony and Celebration invites readers to experience his profound insights into the Jewish Holidays in a contemporary context.
Ceremony and Celebration makes up part of the companion series to Covenant and Conversationalong with Lessons in Leadership and Essays on Ethics.

When did Rosh HaShanah, the anniversary of creation, become a day of judgement? How does Yom Kippur unite the priest's atonement with the prophet's repentance? What makes Kohelet, that we read on Sukkot, the most joyful book in the Bible? Why is the remembrance of the Pesah story so central to Jewish morality? And which does Shavuos really celebrate the law or the land?
Bringing together Rabbi Sacks's acclaimed introductions to the Koren Sacks Mahzorim, Ceremony & Celebration reveals the stunning interplay of biblical laws, rabbinic edicts, liturgical themes, communal rituals and profound religious meaning of each of the five central Jewish holidays.
Binding: Hardcover

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