MiMishnaso Shel Ramchal Yamim Noraim Sukkos Shmini Atzeres [Hardcover]

Brand: Feldheim Publishers
By: Nechemia Friedlander
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MiMishnaso Shel Ramchal, Yamim Noraim, Sukkos, Shmini Atzeres
By Nechemia Friedlander

This important work includes three sections: The first section explains the service of The Days of Awe and the Month of Tisrei based mostly on the writings of the Ramchal. The second section, Maamar Hachachmah, is a commentary by the Ramchal on the Tefilos of the Yamin Noraim including explanatory footnotes by the author. The third section explains the service of each of theYomim Tovim in the month of Tishrei. This book also includes extensive insights by the author on the Yomim Tovim of Tishrei based on the teachings of the Ramchal and others.

Dimensions: 6 X 9
Binding: Hard Cover
Published by: Distributed by Feldheim

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