Purim: Its Laws, Customs and Meaning [Hardcover]

Brand: Menucha Publishers
By: Ari Jacobs, Abe Lederer
Product ID: 9781568715681 FREE GIFTS with your order - New gifts added monthly
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Purim: Its Laws, Customs and Meaning
by Ari Jacobs and Abe Lederer

Product Descripton
Experience Purim like never before.

Purim: It's Laws, Customs and Meaning answers these questions by exploring the Yom Tov in an unprecedented fashion. By combining a vast collection of sources, it serves as a stimulating and comprehensive guide through the intricacies of Purim. Informative and highly readable, this vital work clearly explains each halachah and provides its rational, so that you can derive inspiration from each page. At last, Purim can now be enjoyed and understood.

ISBN: 978-1-56871-568-1
Cover: Hardcover
Release Date: March, 2013
Publisher: Menucha Publishers

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