The Passover Puzzle: Discovering the True Pesach Softcover

Brand: Israel Book Shop
By: Pinchas Stolper
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The Passover Puzzle: Discovering the True Pesach
by Rabbi Pinchas Stolper

This book will surprise you, inspire you, uplift you, and give you a new, deeper understanding of Pesach. It will motivate you to discover the fresh and incisive insights of our Sages that are known to few. It will certainly induce you to understand a Pesach that is saturated with greater majesty, meaning and spirituality, raising your Pesach experience to greater heights.

With The Passover Puzzle, you will learn how to become G-d's partner in the renaissance of the Jewish nation and ultimately, all of mankind.

Dimensions: 6' X 9'
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 978-1-60091-249-8
Length: 296
Media: Book
Publisher: Israel Bookshop Publications

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