Wisdom and Wit - Paperback

Brand: ArtScroll Publications
By: Shmuel Himelstein
Product ID: 9781578193875 FREE GIFTS with your order - New gifts added monthly
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Wisdom & Wit: A sparkling treasury of Jewish anecdotes and advice
by Shmuel Himelstein

Everyone loves an anecdote, a witty comment, a humorous gibe, a short remark that is deceptively simple but that shines a bright ray of truth on an obscure aspect of life. This book is packed cover to cover with such gems.

How did wise Jews speak about faith - and how did they respond to the barbs and the taunts of the unfaithful? How did they give the benefit of the doubt while maintaining the principles of truth and justice? In this fascinating book, over forty topics are illuminated with many hundreds of wise and witty comments.

The book is an education, but it is also fabulously entertaining reading. Pick it up and flip the pages. Wherever you stop to read, you will be amply rewarded. Peruse it for five minutes or five hours - you will be equally rewarded. This book is the third in the series by Shmuel Himelstein, and the master anthologizer has not lost his touch. Rarely is a book so simultaneously entertaining and enlightening.

Shmuel Himelstein is an American writer and scholar living in Israel whose writings and translations have earned him a welcome niche in tens of thousands of English-speaking homes. His previous works in this series, A Touch of Wisdom A Touch of Wit and Words of Wisdom Words of Wit have enlightened and entertained thousands.

ISBN-10: 1578193877
ISBN-13: 9781578193875
Binding: Paperback / Pages: 313
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
Published: by ArtScroll Mesorah Publications

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