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Koren Publishers
Over half a century ago, master typographer Eliyahu Koren produced the Koren Tanakh, the first Jewish Bible edited, designed, produced and bound by Jews in nearly 500 years. Mr. Koren considered the precision of every letter, the placement of every word on every page. He created a new font to ensure maximum clarity and to reflect the renewal of ancient Hebrew in modern times. The Tanakh's textual accuracy, pioneering design and superior quality won it worldwide acclaim. Under Mr. Koren's leadership, Koren Publishers Jerusalem went on to produce other exceptional editions of traditional Jewish texts. The Koren Siddur, published in 1981, featured a newly designed font and an insightful graphic layout that, in Mr. Koren's words, "encouraged the worshiper to engross the mind and heart in prayer." Like so many Koren titles, it became a classic.
Today, Koren Publishers Jerusalem proudly carries on Mr. Koren's legacy. It maintains an unrelenting commitment to intellectual rigor, textual purity and thoughtful design. From halakhic research to literary scholarship, typographic design to final production, Koren Publishers Jerusalem upholds the highest possible standard. Koren brings people to the heart of the Hebrew sources as it makes those sources meaningful to an ever-expanding audience. It respects the rich body of Jewish thought as it offers wisdom from today's leading Jewish thinkers.
1962 Eliyahu Koren publishes first edition of the Koren Tanakh, which wins worldwide acclaim.
- All soldiers in the IDF begin to receive a Koren Tanakh upon their induction, a tradition that continues to this day.
1971 Koren publishes Mahzorim for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur with distinct typeface.
- 1967 Publication of the English Koren Humash
1981 First Koren Siddur released to the Israeli market.
1998 Eliyahu Koren awarded the Jerusalem Prize, the city's most prestigious award.
- 2006 inauguration of Maggid Books, a new imprint for Contemporary Jewish Thought.
- 2009 Publication of the Koren Siddur in Hebrew/English, translated with commentary by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks.
- 2010 Hebrew Talmud of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz (Even-Israel) now published under Koren Publishers.
- 2011 Koren Sacks Rosh HaShana Mahzor is released, to acclaim, winning the National Jewish Book Award.
- 2012 The companion Yom Kippur Mahzor is released.
- 2012 Noé Edition of Koren Talmud Bavli with English translation and elucidation are published, based upon the edition of Rabbi Steinsaltz.
- 2014 First ever Hebrew/Amharic Siddur published for the Ethiopian Community.
Koren books use two fonts created by Koren Publishers Jerusalem founder, Eliyahu Koren: Koren Tanakh Font and Koren Siddur Font. Koren Tanakh Font, created for the purpose of printing The Koren Tanakh in 1962, is used for Koren biblical texts. Koren Siddur Font, created for The Koren Siddur in 1981, is used for other texts. Mr. Koren studied and re-studied Hebrew manuscripts and early printing types, consulted with ophthalmologists, and took a sensitive approach to modernization, to create fonts of ultimate legibility and beauty. Both fonts are © Copyright Koren Publishers Jerusalem Ltd.
506 products found, displaying products 301 to 400:
An Educator's Companion to the Koren Children's Siddur [Paperback]
Save: $0.50 (5%)
From Foe To Friend & Other Stories [Hardcover]
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Koren Haggadah Hebrew French Edut Hamizrach [Hardcover]
Save: $0.50 (4%)
Koren Shir Tziyon Birkon 6 Volume Set [Paperback]
Save: $2.50 (4%)
The Koren Chumash 5 Volume Set [Hardcover]
Save: $4.00 (4%)
The Koren Decorated Shabbos Chumash and Siddur Nusach Sefard Set with Slipcase [Hardcover]
Save: $2.50 (4%)
The Koren Decorated Shabbos Chumash and Siddur Slipcased Set Edot Mizrach [Hardcover]
Save: $2.50 (4%)
The Koren Ethiopian Haggadah Hebrew [Hardcover]
Save: $2.00 (7%)
The Koren Mishna Sdura Pirkei Avos [Paperback]
Save: $0.20 (4%)
The Koren Sacks Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur Machzor Ashkenaz Full Size [Hardcover]
Save: $2.00 (4%)
The Koren Steinsaltz Tanach Mishlei & Iyov Hebrew Edition [Hardcover]
Save: $2.00 (7%)
The Koren Youth Siddur Ashkenaz [Hardcover]
Save: $1.00 (4%)
Koren Mishna Sdura Bartenura Seder Kodshim [Hardcover]
Save: $1.04 (5%)
Koren Mishna Sdura Bartenura Seder Nashim [Hardcover]
Save: $1.04 (5%)
Koren Mishna Sdura Bartenura Seder Zeraim [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (17%)
Koren Mishna Sdura Bartenura Seder Taharos [Hardcover]
Save: $0.50 (3%)
The Koren Mishna Sdura Shoneh Pirko Mishnah Cards Meseches Berachos
Save: $1.50 (23%)
The Koren Mishnayot on Berachot Steinsaltz [Paperback]
Save: $0.50 (3%)
The Koren Classic Siddur Hebrew Edition Pocket Size Ashkenaz [Hardcover]
Save: $1.00 (7%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Daf Yomi (Black & White) Volume 35 Menachos Part 1 [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (13%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Standard (Color) Volume 35 Menachos Part 1 [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (10%)
Koren Annotated and Illustrated Mishnayos Pesachim [Hardcover]
Save: $6.04 (23%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Daf Yomi Black & White Volume 34 Zevachim Part 2 [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (13%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Standard Color Edition Volume 34 Zevachim Part 2 [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (10%)
The Koren NCSY Siddur Hebrew and English [Hardcover]
Save: $2.00 (6%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Daf Yomi Black & White Volume 33 Zevachim Part 1 [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (13%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Standard Color Edition Volume 33 Zevachim Part 1 [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (10%)
Megillat Esther Mesorat HaRav [Hardcover]
Save: $1.00 (5%)
Rambam Mishnah Torah with Commentary by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz 8 Volume Set [Hardcover]
Save: $87.50 (26%)
The Koren Rav Kook Siddur Ashkenaz [Hardcover]
Save: $1.96 (6%)
Koren Annotated and Illustrated Mishnayos in Hebrew Megillah [Hardcover]
Save: $6.04 (23%)
Koren Annotated and Illustrated Mishnayos in Hebrew Rosh Hashanah [Hardcover]
Save: $6.04 (23%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Daf Yomi Size Black and White Edition Volume 32 Avodah Zarah Horayot [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (13%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Standard Color Edition Volume 32 Avodah Zarah and Horayot [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (10%)
Koren Weekday Siddur Hebrew and English Pocket Size Ashkenaz [Paperback]
Save: $0.05 (0%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Makkot and Shavuot Daf Yomi Edition Volume 31 Black and White [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (13%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Noé - Volume 31 Makkos & Shavuos [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (10%)
The Koren Aviv Weekday Siddur Ashkenaz [Hardcover]
Save: $3.00 (8%)
Koren Tisha B'Av Kinnos and Eichah Hebrew [Paperback]
Save: $1.04 (13%)
Koren Tisha B'Av Siddur Sefard [Paperback]
Save: $0.05 (0%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Noe Volume 29 Sanhedrin 1 Daf Yomi Black and White Edition [Hardcover]
Save: $5.04 (13%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Noe Volume 29 Sanhedrin 1 Standard Color Edition [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (10%)
Koren Steinsaltz HaTanach Hamevoar 5 Volume Chumash Set [Hardcover]
Save: $9.76 (7%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Daf Yomi Size Black and White Edition Volume 30 Sanhedrin Part 2 [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (13%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Noé Volume 30 Sanhedrin 2 [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (10%)
Koren Tehillim Lev Avot Blue Cover [Paperback]
Save: $0.01 (0%)
Koren Tehillim Lev Avot Multicolor Tie Dye Cover [Paperback]
Save: $0.01 (0%)
Koren Tehillim Lev Avot Purple Cover [Paperback]
Save: $0.01 (0%)
Koren Classic Tanach Ma'alot Edition Purple [Flexcover]
Save: $2.00 (7%)
The Koren Steinsaltz Tanakh Melachim [Hardcover]
Save: $1.00 (3%)
The Koren Shalem Siddur Hebrew and English Ashkenaz [Hardcover]
Save: $2.45 (7%)
The Koren Steinsaltz Tanach HaMevoar Sefer Shmuel [Hardcover]
Save: $2.00 (7%)
The Koren Steinsaltz Tanach HaMevoar Sefer Yehoshua Shoftim [Hardcover]
Save: $2.00 (7%)
Koren Annotated and Illustrated Mishnayos in Hebrew Maseches Sukkah [Hardcover]
Save: $1.00 (5%)
Koren Hebrew Tehillim with Illustrations [Hardcover]
Save: $1.00 (3%)
The Koren Steinsaltz Tanach HaMevoar - Tehillim [Hardcover]
Save: $0.01 (0%)
Haggadah Redemption: Then and Now [Hardcover]
Save: $1.00 (4%)
The Koren Tehillim Hebrew and English Compact Size with Decorated Cover [Hardcover]
Save: $1.00 (5%)
The Koren Tehillim Hebrew and English Compact Size [Hardcover]
Save: $1.00 (6%)
The Koren Tehillim Hebrew and English Compact Size [Paperback]
Save: $1.00 (7%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Noe - Vol. 28 Bava Batra 2 Daf Yomi Size Black and White [Hardcover]
Save: $5.04 (13%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Noe - Vol. 28 Bava Batra 2 [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (10%)
The Koren Steinsaltz Tanakh HaMevoar - Trei Asar [Hardcover]
Save: $2.00 (7%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Noe - Vol. 27 Bava Basra 1
Save: $5.04 (13%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Noe - Vol. 27 Bava Basra 1
Save: $5.00 (10%)
Koren Chumash 1 Volume with Rashi and Onkelos [Hardcover]
Save: $3.00 (8%)
The Koren Steinsaltz Hebrew Tanakh Yechezkel Ezekiel [Hardcover]
Save: $2.00 (7%)
The Koren Sacks Succos Machzor Full Size Ashkenaz [Hardcover]
Save: $1.04 (3%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Bava Metzia 2 Daf Yomi Black & White Edition [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (13%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Noé - Volume 26 Bava Metzia 2 Color Edition [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (10%)
Koren Ani Tefilla Shabbat Siddur Ashkenaz Compact Size Hebrew/English [Paperback]
Save: $1.00 (6%)
The Koren Steinsaltz Tanakh - Devarim [Hardcover]
Save: $1.00 (3%)
The Koren Steinsaltz Tanakh - Bamidbar [Hardcover]
Save: $2.00 (7%)
The Koren Steinsaltz Tanakh - Yirmiahu [Hardcover]
Save: $1.04 (3%)
The Koren Sacks Succos Machzor Ashkenaz Compact Size [Hardcover]
Save: $1.00 (4%)
The Koren Steinsaltz Tanakh - Yishayahu [Hardcover]
Save: $1.04 (3%)
Koren Classic Tanach Ma'alot Edition Turquoise [Flexcover]
Save: $2.00 (7%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Noé - Volume 25 Bava Metzia 1 Daf Yomi Black & White Edition [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (13%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Volume 25 Bava Metzia 1 Standard Edition Color [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (10%)
HaTanakh HaMevoar with Commentary by Adin Steinsaltz- Vayikra (Hebrew Edition)
Save: $2.00 (7%)
Koren Tanakh HaMevoar with Commentary by Adin Steinsaltz- Shemot (Hebrew Edition)
Save: $2.00 (7%)
The Complete Ways of Purity [Hardcover]
Save: $3.00 (10%)
The Koren Sacks Siddur: A Hebrew/English Prayerbook, Personal Size (Hebrew and English Edition)
Save: $3.00 (8%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Noé - Volume 24 Bava Kama 2 Daf Yomi Black & White Edition
Save: $5.04 (13%)
Koren Talmud Bavli Volume 24 Bava Kamma 2 Standard Edition Color [Hardcover]
Save: $5.00 (10%)
The Koren Sacks Shavuos Machzor Ashkenaz Compact Size [Hardcover]
Save: $1.00 (4%)
The Koren Sacks Shavuos Machzor Ashkenaz Full Size [Hardcover]
Save: $1.96 (6%)
Koren Five Megillot Hebrew/English Pocket Size [Hardcover]
Save: $1.00 (5%)
Koren Five Megillot Hebrew/English Pocket Size [Paperback]
Save: $0.05 (0%)